Blockchain Lab

Funded by: Algorand Foundation

UF Blockchain Research Lab at Digital Worlds Institute is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers aiming to further the general understanding of blockchain technology and to promote the resulting entrepreneurial opportunities. Our mission is to advance the research and development of blockchain-based technologies for use in Business, Computer Science, Digital Arts, Finance, and other areas of potential impact. Lab Director, Marko Suvajdzic, is a diverse thinker with 20+ years of achievement in academia and the creative digital research and production space.



UF Blockchain Research Lab at Digital Worlds Institute is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers aiming to further the general understanding of blockchain technology and to promote the resulting entrepreneurial opportunities. Our mission is to advance the research and development of blockchain-based technologies for use in Business, Computer Science, Digital Arts, Finance, and other areas of potential impact. Lab Director, Marko Suvajdzic, is a diverse thinker with 20+ years of achievement in academia and the creative digital research and production space.

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Algorand Foundation
