AI Climate Justice Lab

The AI Climate Justice Lab prototypes sustainable technologies and simulating economies for a resilient decentralized planet. Computationally intensive technologies such as blockchain and AI methodologies have come under fire for their environmental impact. The UF AI Climate Justice Lab at the Digital Worlds Institute led by Amelia Winger-Bearskin takes a proactive role in advocating for environmental and climate justice in recognition of the facts that: a) Indigenous Sovereignty is not just Racial Justice it is Climate Justice — 80% of our planet’s biodiversity is on land stewarded by indigenous people. b) Climate Justice includes the use of emerging technologies to heal and protect our planet.



The AI Climate Justice Lab prototypes sustainable technologies and simulating economies for a resilient decentralized planet. Computationally intensive technologies such as blockchain and AI methodologies have come under fire for their environmental impact. The UF AI Climate Justice Lab at the Digital Worlds Institute led by Amelia Winger-Bearskin takes a proactive role in advocating for environmental and climate justice in recognition of the facts that: a) Indigenous Sovereignty is not just Racial Justice it is Climate Justice — 80% of our planet’s biodiversity is on land stewarded by indigenous people. b) Climate Justice includes the use of emerging technologies to heal and protect our planet.

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